Meeting & Event Management Agency
We are professionals in organizing meetings, conferences, congresses and events, highly commited to excellence in each and every project.
Our Mission to be PCO partner of the 1st choice by providing excellence and reliability to our current, and therefore innovation and happines to our new customers……
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About us
MeetME is a Meeting & Event Management Company, founded with the intention to supply a professional support and services in the MICE industry.
Our company offers know how and experience as a strong base to be your reliable partner for your future projects.
Our story

With the team of honest, ambitious, creative and enthusiastic professionals, MeetMe will ensure to meet your needs and expectations...
The agency belongs to a group of 5% of the best companies in the Republic of Croatia, and to be the bearer of the AA Certificate of Excellence means we are a safe, reputable and desirable partner.


MeetME provides professional organization and full service range in different categories. Our rich network of relations and expert destination know-how is the source of attractive solutions.


Our only way is to approach to each project with passion and stream to excellence in every part of our business!




Creating a customer-focused culture, customized, personable approach to each client result us with long-standing and happy clients!


Transforming client's rough ideas into great projects requires differentiation from average, while keeping relevance to key objective.

This is key success factor of our creativity!

The nature knows the best that execellence is not an act, it's a habit! So do we, we naturally approach to each project in a same excellent way!

All projects are surrounded by our hard work, passion, our integrity and open communication.

That's what we call professionalism!


Veliki tjedan, veliki uspjeh je iza nas…Od srca veliko HVALA – za vasu predanost i profesionalnost, za sve besane noci…i teske trenutke iz kojih smo izvlacili vas je sve moguce!
Ponovno smo uspjeli zahvaljujuci vama - MeetMe teamu! Hvala vam od srca u ime cijelog Cisco ureda!

Mirela Beširević Cisco systems Hrvatska

Hi Sanja

Thanks again for all of your help.
The band and crew had a great day.

Hope to see you again soon

Regards, Tyrone

Tyrone Brunton The Prodigy Production manager

Sanja, Iva i Ivana
samo da prenesem oduševljenje i utiske :)
Bilo je odlično, sve !
Sjajno ste odradile sve!

Daniela Prostran Veracomp

Hi Sanja,
Just a few quick lines to thank you for your all your help and effort during our stay in Sibenik and the festival.
I specially would like to thank you for the treatment we received from all your back stage personnel, as all hospitality arrangements were impeccable and couldn't have been any better. The band felt very much welcomed. Please also pass on our thanks to your team, they were all great.


Santi Arribas Gang of Four Manager

Draga Iva,
Hvala puno na prekrasnom eventu, stvarno ste odradili odlican posao i posebne pohvale na drvcu masline.

Boris Denisov Veeam Software
Current events


Hotel AC Marriott, Split

More info


    By adapting to the current global situation last year, we transformed the business of digitizing events into virtual events. With secure platforms and hightech technical support, we can realize top virtual and hybrid events.

  • Tribina - Prirodni pristup menopauzi i andropauzi

    17.10.2019., Tribina grada Zagreba, Kaptol 27, ULAZ SLOBODAN!

  • MeetME agency has been awarded a AA credit rating Certificate of Excellence!

    Thanks to excellent results, MEETME agency meet the strict financial criteria for analytical methodology unique for the whole of Europe and gained the right to become the carrier of AA credit rating certificate of excellence.

    MEETME agency belongs to the group of 5% of the best companies in the Republic of Croatia, and be a certificate holder means that we are a safe, respectable and desirable partner.

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